Häufige Fragen (FAQ)

Can I hire away or directly employ my VPA?

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< Alle Themen

Through high investments and ongoing costs, we are able to provide you with on-demand virtual assistance via our platform. This includes, for example, the further development and provision of the IT infrastructure and the recruitment, training and ongoing support of the VPAs as well as customer support. Without these numerous services, the collaboration between you and our VPAs would not have come about and would not be possible at this level of quality. In order to provide these services, we need the assurance that we are earning money from the collaboration we enable and support. This is the only way we can offer our services to you on a sustainable basis. For this reason, direct employment or enticement is excluded in our general terms and conditions in §8 ,unless we agree with you on a commission that ensures that the lost income through direct employment is compensated. Therefore, please contact us if you are interested in direct employment. We will then discuss with you in each individual case whether and how a compensation can be made. We ask for your understanding that we must counter unfair enticements and direct employment with legal remedies.